Q4 2021: First market tests on the minimum viable product


Q1 2022: Game design improves and iteration.

Q2 2022: Web update, UI/UX updates, and metagame system improvements.

Q3 2022: Inclusion of FTUE, gameplay and map elements improvement, improvements in the home page improvements making it more intuitive, garage upgrades making it more attractive, new sounds and VFX, new cars and new weapons.

Q4 2022: Soft Launch 1 and iterations, store and chests update and new game modes.


Q1: SL2, metrics & analytics, new monitoring system: sponsors and daily reward and video ads.

Q2: SL3, FTUE iterations, rent & lend system, events system, new bots and difficulty curve.

Q3: SL4, monetization system, Battle Pass, new game mode, and new cars, social feature 1: play with friends, gameplay update (pieces system implementation)

Q4: Global Launch, car skins, social features 2: clans & alliance with friends, new co-op mode and new weapons.


Q1: New weapons, new game mode, social features update, progression system update, new maps integration.


Dev Roadmap